Friday, September 10, 2010


Im in Dublin and Im in the Hilton Hotel and Im so tired,I wake up at 4 o'clock and got on a plane then I got to another airport and stayed there for 2 hours and then got on another plane to Dublin.I fell asleep a wile ago and then wake up because it got so cold.It's geting harder to dress myself because my mum has packed the worst pants in my wordrobe and they've all broke so I had to get new pants,esspetially when I've been wearing the same pants for about 1 week.I miss all of you all and I can't wait to get back and see you all.

1 comment:

  1. hey caitlin its jade get some photos for me to!!!!! any way camp was so cool you should of being there it was so FUN the best camp i'v gone to :) miss you heaps............ so bye for now :(
